This weekend, we got to experience some small town hospitality from the residents of the town we will be calling home. We missed all the activities on Friday due to DH's job, some haircuts for the Kiddo and I, and general errands. However, we got up bright and early on Saturday to trek the thirty miles from Aurora to get to Strasburg.
Never having been, I had no idea where to park. We had hoped to park in front of a particular building where we know some folks, but the entire street front had already been claimed. So, we pulled in real snug next to a car on a street corner. We opened up the back of the car (I have a small SUV) and got comfy until the parade started. Little did we know, until they started putting out the traffic cones and traffic tape, that we had parked on the corner where the parade turned off Main and headed toward the school campus, where many of the rest of the Hometown Days activities were taking place.
We were frankly shocked at the length of the parade. It rivaled that of San Angelo in that it was at least as long, with at least as many entries. The only main difference was the absence of any bands or military units. (Though the National Guard DID bring some of their ultra cool toys out.) Still, we saw some amazing refurbished classic cars, learned that there is a Biker group in the area, and experienced the hometown pride Strasburg has in its youth- those in sports, 4-H, and Boy Scouts.
After the parade, we trucked it over to the school where the bank was feeding everyone for free. You got it! Free hamburgers, with condiments, chips, and drinks for FREE! Now, this might be commonplace in the small town YOU grew up in. However, of all the parades I have been to- small towns, medium towns, and cities alike- there was never any such thing as a free lunch... Unless it was for those who helped set everything up. So while the Kiddo and DH chowed down on some burgers, I munched away on some chips and nursed a coke. (Still going strong on my "no-beef diet"- but that is for another blog!)
We also spent a great deal of time checking out the vendors, exploring the interior of the National Guard vehicles, and learning about a Veteran's Memorial that is being planned for the I-70 Corridor Veterans. (I walked away with a ton of free samples from vendors- again something I am not used to- but I sure am not complaining!) One of the neatest things we saw a MULE walking on a treadmill to run and icecream machine. It was plain vanilla... but it was awesome- though I think the mule wanted some too.
Yup... Mule-churned icecream!
Kiddo was standing on his tiptoes and still could barely see out the top.
Then today, we returned to Strasburg. We had been told church this morning was to be held at the Museum in town. It was supposed to be a Unity Church Service- a gathering of all the congregations of Strasburg in order to show the world that the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a church-divided, no matter the difference in Doctrine. The intent was to show that we are still focused on Him; He is the tie that binds Christian to Christian.
I have to admit, from past experience, which has kept me out of so many different churches, I was a little skeptical. However, I was shocked and amazed when we arrived to find a HUGE crowd of people ready to worship and learn of our Lord. Each church that was represented had their pastor stand up and lead a different part of the service, and had asked a pastor that had since moved on (into the mission field- church planting) to come back and share the message. I walked away this morning refreshed by the unity of the Church as I found myself singing, praying, and listening next to Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Pentecostals, and Non-Denominationals (I might be missing some- I honestly do not know how many different churches there are in Strasburg). Its nice to see the lines that sometimes divide us were wiped away this morning as we all realized and acknowledged that we are one large Congregation sharing His Love. Amazing!
After the service, we decided to check out the local Mexican Restaurant. Okay, I was already proven wrong once this morning. Still, again, I was skeptical. After living in Texas and having access to Tex-Mex, Texican, and Mexican, I seriously doubted a small town in Colorado could pull off a decent plate. Again, I was proven wrong. To be honest, this is the best Tex-Mex food I have had in a VERY long time. You could tell it was all made fresh, and that the cooking staff really cared about the food they put out. That.. and the superb customer service, made for a memorable lunch!

There was still so much to see and do as part of Strasburg Hometown Days that we simply did not have the time to see. However, we hope next year we can really spend a great deal of time immersing ourselves in the weekend long event!
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