The first song, that I was able to sing all the way through without choking up, was "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman. The song speaks to me of all the blessings He has granted to me. So many more than I deserve.
The next song was "Hurricane" by Natalie Grant. Previously, the song has not meant much to me. I listened. I hummed along. But, this morning, the song hit home... and the Holy Spirit spoke to me reminding me that we are on the precipice, and He is there to catch us and lift us, even in the midst of the hurricane swirling around us right now.
Then came on Plumb's "Need You Now." I love Plumb. Plumb has been one of my favorite CCM artists for many, many years. This song is no different. Yet this morning as I tried to sing along, I could not. Suddenly overcome with feelings and emotions that had no trigger- proof of the Holy Spirit getting my attention, all I could do was listen- listen to the musical reminder to just call out to Him.
Finally, the song that threw me over the edge, almost forcing me to pull over because I was so overcome with conviction, direction, hope, and promise was "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns. Also one of my favorite songs. A song I recommend to many of my friends and family as they are walking through their own struggles, the Lord used it on me- to minister to me. To remind me of His Presence even when I could swear He has stepped back.
This morning, the Holy Spirit spoke. I have not experienced His presence so strong in a very long time. The incredible awe and wonder ... the complete immersion in the Presence of God... even there on an Interstate surrounded by other travelers eager to get to their destinations... even there with no Bible handy... Even there... There He met ME and held me close. Today, He reminded me of His promise that He is with me no matter what.
Praise God!
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Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing these songs with us. It is wonderful to really feel the Spirit, isn't it? May your day continue to be Blessed!