
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In the Light

I typically frown on Bible Studies and Sermons that take one verse by itself to shape a lesson out of.  (Unless its like a verse from Psalms or Proverbs, where the verses really do stand alone at times.) 

However, as I was reading John 8 today, this verse stuck out to me.

"Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light.  No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness.  I provide plenty of light to live in."  John 8 v 12 from The Message.

I think this verse really stands out to me because since I have been the stay-at-home mom again, I have been so caught up in worry.  I have really been stumbling in the dark.  I can't sleep.  I am not eating much.  I am completely drained, and tired, and on the verge of depression.  Working through the muck as I am also trying to lead an online Bible Study, be a full-time student, and still be a loving and supportive wife and mom.

This is my conviction this morning.  I have not been truly trusting Him to help us through the next several months as we face career choices, selling a house, buying a house, moving away, uprooting from friends that we consider family, taking the kiddo away from friends (this will be the first move that he is having an active role in.)  Instead, I have been worrying over finances.  I have been worrying over health issues.  I have been worrying over choices that can't be made yet.  I have been worrying over matters that are completely out of my hands!  Then I turn around and try to offer advice on the very things that I am not doing myself!

Jesus is the Light! I follow Him.  But here I am struggling in darkness when He "provide[s] plenty of light to live in!" 

My challenge this week is to refocus my gaze on Him.  Give Him my burdens and worries.   Stand up and get out of the darkness I have been wallowing in, and dance in the Light!  His Light!

Will y'all practice refocusing your gaze on Him with me?  Will y'all remember me in your prayers as I get back into His Light, His Word, and crawl back into His warm embrace, where I know that all my worries are in His capable hands?

God bless!


  1. So Matthew 5 says, 'Ye are thr light of the world': having taken our light from Him.

  2. What an awesome reminder, David! Thank you for sharing this!


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