
Friday, August 30, 2013

Mystery Solved: Beef Allergy

If you do not like to read or hear about stomach related issues- here's your chance to walk away. I do not share this to be crude, but because I hope to help someone else who may be suffering and not finding answers.

Several months ago, as my digestive health hit rock bottom, and tests came back negative for everything (not counting the removal of some precancerous polyps), I found myself desperate to find what was making me miserable.

I was afraid to eat.  I feared eating out.  I feared cooking.  While the Kiddo and the Hubby enjoyed everything I put before them, I would find myself staring at the mixture of dairy, wheat, and meat products on our plates and worry over which one was the enemy.  I would eat only the tiniest of portions in hopes I would not, in the middle of a movie, cuddle time, or some other event, have to rush home or to the bathroom to spend hours of agonizing pain as my body repulsed it.  In anticipation of utter agony, I avoided friend's gatherings, canceled dinner dates, and even canceled date nights with my DH terrified of the excruciating bubbling and rumbling that occurred in my intestinal tract that made it feel like something was in it eating from the inside out.  (I do NOT exaggerate... DH has witnessed my tears and moans and watched helplessly as I doubled over putting pressure on my gut to just get a second's worth of relief.)

I thought I was allergic to dairy (the intestinal changes occurred almost immediately after my Kiddo was born- all my Dr. friends blamed it on a lactose intolerance, and eating yogurt on a daily basis DID seem to affect the occurrence of the symptoms- until it didn't), or gluten, as those are staples in my family's diet.  We love dairy- cheese, ice cream, butter, yogurt, milk, etc.   We love bread, crackers, tortillas, crusts, cookies, etc.  While I knew I could cut them down, I was not sure I could cut them out.   For several years, I have avoided dairy as much as I could (cept for cheese and ice cream, as a few of my friends can attest as they would witness me chowing down on cheese or ice cream and comment on my supposed lactose allergy.)  The symptoms I had were not consistent with my dairy intake, or my gluten intake,and the symptoms were getting worse, so I decided to finally go and really be seen for what might be the culprit.

Symptoms included:
SEVERE and sudden abdominal cramps, within 30 minutes of eating.
Shaking, cold sweats, chills
Extremely soft stool that ultimately turned to liquid.  (sometimes using the bathroom alleviated the abdominal pain, sometimes it did not)

Occasionally, symptoms also included:

Because I have Fibromyalgia, I did not go to be seen for these symptoms because I thought the fibro was just making me more sensitive to "normal" issues.  However, after speaking with some nurses and my then current provider, I finally decided to go see a GI doctor.  Because of family history with colon cancer, that doc decided I needed a colonoscopy and an endoscopy.  During the colonoscopy, they found some polyps that had to be removed, but nothing else.  Same for the endoscopy.  That, in conjunction with a series of blood panels, ruled out my feared gluten allergy as well as a dairy allergy.  So then I was sent to the lab for tests to see gall bladder, kidney, and liver function among other things that I do not recall right now.  Everything came back negative.

While that was all awesome news, it was also extremely frustrating.  My provider and my GI doc were both at a loss as to what was causing my severe and increasing symptoms.

Then, I had a conversation with a friend who told me her hubby had some sort of beef allergy.  He also could not seem to find answers to his own discomfort, and at the suggestion of someone, cut out all beef for a while.  Completely befuddled, because I had never considered I might have a meat allergy!  I mean, seriously, how many people do you know that are allergic to juicy hamburgers or prime ribs?  Its nonsense!  However, I had nothing to lose so I discussed it with DH and we decided to live beef-free for a while.

The first two weeks, I noticed a difference immediately.  Then I had a McDonald's Big Mac (I KNOW... not the greatest samples of beef, so sue me...)  Immediately, I got sick.  Two more weeks of no beef, and I realized I might finally be on to something.  So, DH and I were out for dinner, and I decided to order a steak, my favorite cut, medium well.  Sure enough, we barely got home in time for me to run in agony to spend the next two hours writhing in pain on the toilet.

Since then, I have been completely beef-free.  I still eat red meat.  I eat venison, elk, and bison.  I would like to try organic, grass-fed beef, but am frankly afraid to.  I am eating a ton more pork, chicken, and fish, though I lean more toward the fish because, unless it is farm raised, it is tons less likely to be hormone injected.  (I am seriously skeptical of my new-found relationship with chicken and pork...) 

I still have intestinal issues from time to time- as we all do, and all will.  However, there is a marked difference in the severity and consistency in those episodes.  Since I stopped eating all beef products, I have not had a single instance of those gut-ripping cramps.

Anyway, this is not Doctor confirmed.  This is confirmed through my own experience.  I would like to see a Doc to get the allergy confirmed, but I think I have been poked and prodded enough this year.  I have met my quota!  LOL

Anyway, if you suffer from severe abdominal issues and tests show nothing- maybe try taking two weeks off of beef.  Who knows?  It might help. 

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Chats On the Farmhouse Porch

I saw this link-up on one of my favorite blogs, Homespun Simplicity, and decided to join up! 

Everyday Ruralty
Do you remember your first day of school?
I do remember my first day of school- the first day of K, my first day at every new school, my first day of every new grade.  School was the central focus of my life.  I loved school.  Namely, I loved the smell of the school books.  I loved opening up a new-to-me subject book to see the name of the student who had the book the year prior- I felt a strange sense of connection with that student, and would flip through the book looking for telltale signs that the prior student had left their mark in it.   I loved shopping for new school supplies.  I loved the brand new box of unused crayons, which I carefully guarded  from others, and made sure were in correct order before putting them away when I was finished with them.  I loved soaking up whatever the teacher decided to share with us.  I only had one teacher, the entire time I was in school- to include college- that I did not like or respect.  Not bad considering...

  SO back to the question... LOL  

I guess I should tell you about the first day of school  I remember the best.  My first day of ninth grade- a transition from public school to a private school- a transition from a class of over a hundred to a class of under ten.  I remember the kids of all ages rushing through the halls.  I remember how ALL the teachers smiled and hugged and greeted their students and seemed genuinely happy to have each one in their class.  I remember getting my new books and realizing they were mine to keep, so I could highlight to my heart's content and finally really use those beautiful highlighters waiting in my bag.  I remember how shy I was after years of bullying in elementary school and awkward transitioning in middle school.  I remember how lovely my classmates were, how kind they were, how eager they were to know me.  I remember meeting the girl who became one of my best friends- someone I still treasure all these years later (and I am not sure I have let her know that--- shame on me.)  I do remember that first day as one of the best first days of my school career.
Do you decorate for the different seasons? If so, have you decorated for fall yet?
I love to decorate for the seasons and for major holidays.  I grew up helping my Mom decorate for Christmas and Easter, and helped her change out a few items around the house for particular events.  However, since being married, and getting to spend quality time with my amazing MIL, I have really hoped to start emulating her decorating habits.  The woman goes all out!  And she has such amazing taste and ability to coordinate.  I love it!  However, being in the military lifestyle, I have to be careful how much "stuff" I accumulate as we are limited on how much can be moved from place to place.  Still, I content myself with placemats and tablecloths for now.  Someday, I hope I can really decorate for seasons, especially the Fall, because it is my all-time favorite season!

What food do you associate with fall?
Pumpkins, apples, spices, lots of pork! Then of course, there is turkey...  :)

Do you order books online, buy books in a bookstore, download books to a device, or frequent the library? If not interested in books, how do you get your music?
I get new books a combination of ways.  I am purchasing more ebooks via now because of the ease of carrying my Kindle and having my "library" in my purse.  However, some books become like family.  I read them over and over and over.  Those books I still buy hard cover versions of so I can keep them and curl up with them next to the fire with a cup of cocoa.  Those I search everywhere for the best price.  I prefer to buy books used, if they are in good condition.  However, I have shopped online, in stores, even at yard sales.  I don't really care where I get them, so long as I feel as I have found the book I want at a good price and in good condition.

When was the last time you realized that you had just been talking to someone really special?
This is a hard question to answer.  Recently I have spoken with old friends, family who I am rebuilding relationships with, my sister, and my daily conversations with my Kiddo or Hubby.  They are each really special in their own way because they mean so much to me. 

However, if the question is meant to inquire about someone special who is new to me, I would have to say it was with a dear lady I met at a group gathering very recently.  I was the newbie.  I am always self-conscious and out of place when I force myself to attend gatherings to meet new people.  However, again, because of military life, it is something I must do despite my hermit tendencies, because at some point, I am going to need those MilSpouses, or they might need me.  Anyway, I forced myself to walk up to the other ladies and introduce myself.  Most of the women were warm and welcoming, but they all clearly had already formed friendships and groups of their own. I still felt like an outsider looking in. 

Having enough of forcing myself into conversations, I sat down at the edge of the room to look through some brochures I had picked up.  Sitting next to me was this charming woman.  We spoke, simply small talk- generalities about the evening, the cool weather, the obvious fact that I was new.  LOL  The woman got up to leave, and as she got up, she complimented my skin.  (I am not good at taking compliments- never have, never will)  I smiled, trying to force myself to accept the compliment graciously-- HOW DO YOU DO THAT???  I commented that I use coconut oil on my face instead of lotions and creams.  The lady sat right back down to hear more.  I expanded on my use of coconut oil and the changes I have seen in my skin (and hair).  She listened with disbelief, then looked at my graying hair and complimented it as well.  She told me I looked like I was 24, but the gray hair contradicted that appearance.  Again at a loss in how to respond, I laughed (uncomfortably) and told her my real age.  Of course, my age was still young to her, but her eyebrows raised just the same.  As she rose to walk away, she patted my hand and recomplimented me before walking away. 

Now... For someone who has a horrible time accepting compliments, her kind words, and the way she delivered them- almost shyly- touched me deeply.  I am not one who cares about fashion, or trends, or clothes in general.  Most days, I put my hair in a ponytail, grab my most comfy jeans, and t-shirt, and I am good to go.  No make-up.  No primping.  That is just not me.  However, when I do put a little more time in my appearance, because I KNOW how important that is to OTHER people, its nice to know I did it the right way.  LOL  That woman's gentle compliments were very soothing to me as I felt so out of place.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose: I Said I Would Never

In continuing on this 52 week journey with so many other bloggers, I hope you will visit the blog that started it all. From From Mrs. to Mama is a really fantastic site kept by an incredibly articulate young woman.

I said I would never....
I know many of us can relate. Before we are parents, we swear we will be different from our parents, we will be better than this or that, we will be more strict, less strict, more easy going, the lists go on and on.
For me, some of the things I said I would never do I do actually try to stick to. My life is a series of contradictions. I am painfully aware of that. However, for better or worse, this is my life.
One thing I said I would never do is force my child to eat something he does not like. However, he MUST first try a food before he can choose whether he likes it or not. He cannot just look at a new food or recipe and decide from its appearance that he does not like it. No. He must try at least three bites of the new food. Then, if he decides he truly does not like it, I will allow him to eat around it. This rule has kept him eating veggies, has allowed him to try new foods that I see other children turn their noses up at, and has carried over into life lessons- new activities, new people, new places, etc.
I said I would never force my child to believe the same as me. This is a HUGE issue and struggle for me. As a Christian, I want my son to become a Christian as well. However, most of my childhood I was forced into a belief set that both helped and hindered my spiritual growth, and ultimately caused huge rifts within my family. This is a struggle for me also because as a Christian, I believe it is my duty to minister to my child, to teach him of God's love, grace, and mercy, to help him understand what sin it and how salvation affects us. The struggle is knowing where the line is drawn between teaching and coercing. My child KNOWS how I long for him to become a Christian. He knows how important that is to me. He also knows I will not force him and I will not stop loving him should he choose to (deep sigh) believe otherwise.((Wow, that is so hard to write... wow...))
I said I would never have children... Well... Obviously, I messed that one up! LOL Seriously, I never wanted my own children. From teen years on, I wanted to adopt. There are so many children out there in need of loving homes- from all over the world- but the Lord chose to surprise me and bless me with my Kiddo, my angel... I happily eat those words. :)
I said I would never lie to my child. It is relatively easy to be honest with friends and family as an adult. If you feel you can't be completely honest about something (to spare feelings), you simply walk away, change the subject, whatever. (Don't get all self-righteous on me claiming you ALWAYS tell the truth. You KNOW you have that one friend or family member, where you keep your true feelings hidden to spare their feelings.) However, when it comes to being honest to my child, as a parent I have found honesty is sometimes very hard. There are some questions I just cannot answer. I try to say exactly that, but sometimes there are situations where even a delaying answer is a form of a lie, a form of evasion. I hate to admit that I have lied to my child. I have a million and one justifications for those lies of ommission, white lies, or lies of evasion. Still- no matter how I slice it- I feel like a horrible mom.
I said I would never be like my Mom! HA! Don't get me wrong, my Mom is who I give much credit as to the woman I am today. However, like we all can, I can look over my childhood and point out all the things- large and small- that my Mom did wrong. So when I said I would never be like my Mom, I meant I would not make those same mistakes. I was right. To a point. However, I make my own mistakes that I have no idea how to fix, and I am certain my Kiddo will look back on his childhood and say he will never be like me or DH. Then one day, like I am doing more and more often now as my Kiddo gets older, he will find himself saying something I would have said, or doing something the way his Daddy would have done it. Then, like I am realizing, he will realize that being like Mom and Dad is not so bad really.
I am sure there are other things I have said I would never do... That I have found myself doing anyway. Or maybe I have stuck to it, and have just realized how incredibly hard it is to stick to those things. One thing I am learning, no matter what I said in the past, its okay to be wrong, to admit it, and to change my mind. Life is too unpredictable, too chaotic sometimes. If I cannot change along the way, how will I ever be able to teach my Kiddo to roll with the punches?
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New Signature

A reader had sent me a message in response to my call for critiques in Flashback Friday: Revisiting the Beginning.

I had not gotten a ton of feedback, and I really do care what you, my readers, think of the blog, so I decided to play around with this particular suggestion.

What do y'all think?

post signature

Here is what I did. (There may be easier ways to create a signature, but I am barreling through this creative blogger stuff the best way I know how-- through experimentation!)

I worked in Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0. (My version is seriously outdated.. Newer versions may differ from what I share below.)

I clicked "edit"- mostly because every time I click "create" it tries to force me to choose what kind of project I want to do, and the options offered never fit what my goal is. LOL

Once the screen loads, I click "new" under "file."

A white blank space should appear. That is your background. On the right hand side, just above the background layer are options to shade your area... I always spend a lot of time playing around in that area. :) Once you pick out your background color, pattern, or shade, go to the text box on the left hand side.

After clicking on that, I marked out a text space on my "canvas" and started playing with fonts. I was not sure I wanted to use the same font I use as my default font (Homemade Apple), but after playing around with different fonts and colors, I decided to stick with it after all. Photoshop did not have Homemade Apple as one of its standard fonts, so I had to find it here- a free download- which I then was able to use.

Once I got my signature the way I wanted it, I scoured images. (Make sure there are no copyrights on the images you use.) I use free clip art or use images I have taken and edited myself (I do all my photo edits in Photoshop.) You do not have to use an image in your signature. I added it cuz I thought it added a unique quirk that matches my personality.

If you add an image to your signature block, flatten the image. Then "save as" a jpeg image. When you have your image saved, go into your online photo album and upload it there. I use Google+ Photos or Picasa, which connect directly to my blog. When the signature image has loaded, right click on the image. Click on "properties," then highlight and copy the image url. Paste it immediately into the following code:

<img class="left" alt="post signature" src="YOUR IMAGE URL">

Then, assuming you are using Blogger, go to your work space. On left side, click on "settings." Then click on "posts and comments." In the "post template" box, paste the link from above with your image url. Be sure to save before leaving the settings page.

***Note*** Your new signature will only show up in your new posts. If you want it to show up in previous posts, you will have to put it there manually. (If there is a way to send it backwards to previous blogs, I have not discovered it yet.)

If you are using another blog site, please refer to your site help desk to learn where to insert your signature.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know. I would be happy to try to help, or to talk you through it. I am also available to create a signature, image, or blog button for you for a minimal fee.

If you liked this post, or any others you read while visiting A God-Blessed Life, please let me know by clicking on the "Top Mommy Blogs" button in the right column.
As always, I am eager to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment sharing your thoughts or sharing your blog!

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Random Reflection...

I know I have already shared how excited I am that we found a church where the Pastor speaks God's Word in a way that lovingly compels us to face the truth about our faith, our actions, our sins, and the love of Christ, which is reflective of the love of God.

I know... I might be getting repetitive...

So rather than go into a lengthy discussion over this week's sermon, which spoke of the witnesses of Jesus' claims as the Son of God, I thought I would share just one of the points that Pastor made that caused me to look inward and question my priorities within my faith.  Very loosely, I have paraphrased that point in the picture below...   It may not make much sense to you out of context...  However, I hope it still causes you to think about your own faith, the tools we have been given to help our faith grow, and the source of our faith- Jesus.

Thanks for coming by and reading my random reflection on today's sermon.  If you would like to read the entire sermon, I believe it will be posted here in a couple days. 

If you liked this post, or any others you read while visiting A God-Blessed Life, please let me know by clicking on the "Top Mommy Blogs" button in the right column.
As always, I am eager to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment sharing your thoughts or sharing your blog!
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Saturday, August 24, 2013

When Everything Seems To Go Wrong

As many of you know, I am a MilSpouse. I love my life as MilSpouse. I love being affiliated with the Armed Forces. I love my Veteran status- not for any recognition it might bring me, but because that was the very first job I had where I truly felt proud of what I was doing. I love supporting DH. I love the places the Military has sent us. I love PCSing. I love seeing new places, learning new things, meeting new people, and then moving on again.

Yeah, the moving, for me, is the best part of the Military life we live.

We have been so very blessed with all our previous Military moves in that we have never had any issues.
I have heard so many horror stories. Packers that didn't show. TMO that failed miserably in scheduling. Being FORCED to do a DITY move. Damaged goods. Missing goods. Stolen goods. Kids revolting about a move. No available housing at the new base. No jobs at new base. Cars and trucks breaking down. Luggage lost. Pets lost. Homes don't rent or don't sell.   Etc.  Etc.   If you are a seasoned MilSpouse, you might have a tale or two to share as well.

With our previous moves, we had NONE of those problems. Our packers showed up on time, packed our stuff like they were packing museum pieces, and it all got where it was intended to go with minimal (if any) damage. We never had a problem finding housing- rental or purchase. We did not have issues with the Kiddo. We never had vehicle trouble, flight trouble, luggage, or pet trouble.
Then we got orders to PCS this year...

                                                      ...and it has ALL seemed to go so wrong.

For every step we take forward, it feels like we are taking five steps back. We had two yard sales before moving. Both of them drew in way more money than we expected to make because we had heard horror stories of haggling yardsalers who tried to rob people blind.  However, in a thriving selling market, our house sat on the market for entirely too long before finally getting an acceptable offer and a subsequent contract. On one hand, we moved out of the old house and into our "in limbo" home (our camper) without a hitch. On the other, within a week of moving in, and during the worst heat at the time for that area, the camper a/c went out.  DH out-processed from his old unit with zero hiccups and we got on the road for our new destination eager and with no problems.  But then a couple hours out, a tire blew forcing us to dish out money we had not expected to and completely altered our travel plans while severely damaging the side of our camper. On one hand, we arrived safe and sound to a beautiful new area where the temperatures might hit the mid-90's and the mountains call us from the near horizon. On the other hand, the camper experienced more issues that require immediate repair, and the place we are camping has only the barest of amenities while charging more and barely taking care of what few amenities there are.
You see- on one hand- this really has been the most difficult move we have made with the Military. One thing after another seems to go wrong, those things listed above are just a small sampling. There is SOOOO much more.  Still, on the other hand, DH and I see these struggles as His hand leading us to Him, forcing us to focus our eyes on Him. Of course, we are still struggling with frustration and worry. I bet that is why He is mixing the pot so well!  

Our prayer... a reminder to ourselves really is this:

"He turned His ear to [our cries throughout all our previous struggles, so we] will call on Him as long as [we] live."

Have you also found yourself in the midst of a struggle, where you felt His hand distinctly in the mix?

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As always, I am eager to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment sharing your thoughts or sharing your blog!
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Personal Challenge: Facebook Diet ~ Revisited

Several months ago, as we were preparing to move, I experienced quite a bit of heartache as friendships were tested and I was hurt and frustrated over lies and betrayal that was confirmed in black and white on careless comments made on Facebook.  As a result, I decided to try to ween myself off the social media culprit of much of the drama I was experiencing in my life.  You can see that first post here.

I failed ...  sort of.

So let me explain.

I figured the time spent in limbo would offer me the perfect opportunity to break away from Facebook.  My goal was to limit myself to one visit to the "Devilbook" (as DH calls it) a week.  Another goal was to avoid negativity from Facebook at all costs- to skim over hurtful comments, to avoid political debate, to ignore blatant contradictions and lies from those I would rather be blissfully ignorant of their betrayals.

I did REALLY well for a few weeks.  A little over a month, in fact.  I had deleted Facebook from my smart phone.  I removed it from my favorite's tab.  I unchecked the "remember password" option so it would be just that much more difficult to gain access.  I missed it at first.  I went through Facebook withdrawal like one would experience caffeine withdrawal.  However, after the first couple weeks, I realized how much lighter I felt not being bound to the intimate details of my friend's lives.  I realized how much of my own life I was missing by worrying so much about everyone else.

And then I failed.

We finally got to our "in limbo" home.  Here I have been able to get a working (well, mostly) internet connection, which has allowed me to work from home and continue working on editing, ghostwriting, and authoring projects.  I have also been able to refocus on my personal blog.  That is when failure struck.

I want my blog to succeed- this one and Military Women of God (even though it is currently on hold.)  I want to increase readership.  I want reader involvement.  I want to know that what I have to say is helping someone.  And there come the reason for my Facebook Diet failure.  Blog after blog after blog I have been reading to learn more about blogging, and gaining readership, and improving blogging habits advises utilizing social media avenues, especially Facebook and Twitter.  So I did. 

Now, for the past several weeks, I have found myself on Facebook as much as I ever was before my personal challenge to cut it out.  However, I have laid down some very strict rules:

1.  Limit personal posts.  Leave personal thoughts- expanded upon- for the blog.
2.  Continue to avoid all the people and posts who have caused me drama, even if that means deleting or blocking them.
3.  If I have nothing nice to say in response to a comment- don't... and hide the comment.
4.  "Unlike" all the pages and links that also fed into the drama.
5.  Let people go. Unfollow them.  Delete them.  Block them.  Whatever it takes to force those people to contact me directly if they have something they need to say.

I am on Facebook every day now.  I share my blogs on a designated Facebook page.  I started a group for local home business owners, which I have to monitor at least once a day.  I network.  I am meeting other bloggers, other authors, and new friends.  I am cultivating friendships, even at long distance, that need to be built as those friendships have proven the test of distance, time, and hardship, while I am letting the others slowly drift away- friendships no more- merely acquaintances.  And I am finding I am truly okay with that.

Facebook is no longer a lifeline... It is a tool.  I hope that is how it shall stay.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

52 Weeks Of Blogging With A Purpose: A Letter to the New Mom

I discovered this inspiration from a fellow blogger (Janelle at Wild Blue Yonder). I have plenty of my own stuff to share, but I fear all those things I wish to share are not necessarily what everyone wants to read. So... I thought I would join Janelle in participating in this blog event (inspired by Becky at From Mrs. to Mama).

"Dear New Mommy,

Congratulations on your beautiful bundle of wrinkled skin and ear-piercing cries!  Don't worry, Mama.  All too soon that wrinkled skin will smooth out, and those cries will turn into sweet coos and giggles.  Savor the feel of those tiny fingers as they wrap around your one.  Cherish the feel of your baby's skin against your own.  Whether or not you breast-feed or choose to use formula, those moments where you cuddle with your baby while they suckle will disappear all to quickly.  Don't worry about the chores that don't get done.  Don't worry about the friends whose calls go unanswered.  It is okay to let the world vanish as you spend your first weeks and months getting to know your baby.

As you work your way into the world and introduce your baby to your friends, your family, the errands that consumed your life before, take it slow.  Speak to your baby.  Sing to your baby.  Read to your baby.  But when you need a few minutes to yourself, do not be afraid to leave your baby safely in their crib, even if they are wailing the blues.  Take the time to shave your legs.  Make the time to fix your hair.  Those twenty minutes of time to yourself will help you feel better about your new body, even as you work to shape it back to what it once was.

Take every offer of advice, including that in this letter, with a grain of salt.  Do your own research.  Try your own methods.  Some of the advice given will work like a charm.  Some of it can be dismissed out of hand, because no one knows the dynamic between you and your baby like you do.  Follow your instincts where your baby is concerned, and pay no mind to those other Mommies who think their way is the only way.

Remember that now that you are a Mommy, some friends will disappear.  That is okay.  New friends will come along, not to take those old friend's places, but to fill in the needs you have now.  Remember that your priorities are likely to change, and that is okay as well.  There is no rule book to follow.   You choose.

Don't be afraid of being imperfect.  Your mom was not perfect.  Her mom was not perfect.  No mom in the history of mankind was perfect.  Do not hold yourself to expectations that will ultimately frustrate you and cause you to focus on that more than on the care and upbringing of your baby.

Finally, dear Mommy, if you are a woman of Faith, make every moment a reflection of your faith in God.  Let your baby feel your love, compassion, faith, hope, trust, and respect for a being outside yourself.  Let them see you pray.  Let them hear you praise.  Let them see you reading the Bible.  Let them sit on your lap in church.  Let them know without a doubt that our Lord is real and with us in every moment.

Congratulations again, dear Mommy!  God bless you and your newest, tangible blessing!"

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101 Blessings

I got a message the other day from another blogger...

"Why did [I] choose the name [I] did [for this blog]?"

I look back over many of my posts. I have not always written from a happy-happy-joy-joy standpoint. For living a "God-blessed life," my blog, my thoughts, my reactions to life are not always cheerful, encouraging, and uplifting. I know. THAT is exactly the point.

No matter how hard my life is... the name of this blog is reminder to me, every single day, to count my blessings. Even as I cope through writing, as I rant and vent and rave, I hope to show that:
1) being a Christian is not all sunshine and roses, butterflies and rainbows, and 2) despite the storms, there are things to be happy for, to thank God for, and to count as blessings.

A couple days ago, the Holy Spirit spoke. He laid my soul bare and convicted me, showing me I was missing something. As I re-evaluate my life, my journey, my prayers- everything- I realized- I am forgetting to count my blessings. So...

Here we go! Are you ready for this? LOL These are bring written off the cuff, I am winging it, because in the case of counting blessings, its almost like brainstorming- just let the thoughts flow. These blessings may not be in order of importance, they may lead me to think of others... So please bear with me. ((and if you like, join me in counting the blessings you have been given))

1. A perfect Savior/Loving Father
2. Love- one I cannot fathom, but can feel indescribably deep within my heart and soul!
3. Faith- that has carried me when hope was slipping
4. Hope
5. Hubby- he was well worth the long wait!
6. Son- the most beautiful, tangible blessing
7. A place to lay my head
8. A roof over my head
9. Food every day
10. Clean water
11. Coffee
12. Chai
13. Soft drinks
14. Wine/Wine coolers (that sometimes make my nose numb and me a wee bit silly!)
15. Music
16. Classical to study by
17. Country to appreciate life by
18. Christian to praise God with
19. Rock to jam out to
20. Techno to dance to
21. Ipod with headphones to listen to music
22. Sunscreen
23. Hot showers
24. Washing machines
25. Clothes line and sunshine
26. Dryers for those rainy days (or because I can't have a clothesline...sigh)
27. Intelligence
28. Curiosity
29. Love for learning
30. Appreciation for God's handiwork: nature
31. Sunsets
32. Cloud formations- especially the really big fluffy ones!
33. Thunderstorms/rain
34. Lightening- God's fireworks!
35. My cat
36. My dog
37. A family that loves to cuddle
38. My siblings- those who share my blood, and those who are extensions of our family
39. My baby sister
40. My baby sister's family- who each hold a special piece of my heart
41. Friends (and their families)
42. Acquaintances
43. Lessons learned
44. Friends who last despite falling out, despite distance, despite change, despite time
45. Ice cream
46. Chocolate syrup
47. Modern technology
48. The ability to work from home
49. Dreams coming true
50. Clothes- namely jeans, socks, and sweaters.. LOL
51. Hair bands/ponytail holders
52. Hair straighteners
53. Hair cremes (to control frizz)
54. Humor
55. Tenderness
56. Compassion
57. Charity
58. Making enough to share with those in need
59. Prayer
60. Conversation
61. Opinions
62. Respect
63. The Bible
64. Favorite verses/Life verses
65. Johnny Cash
66. Cushions on otherwise hard chairs
67. Fleece blankets
68. Trees
69. Flowers
70. Indoor plumbing
71. Working vehicles
72. The ability to dream together with the one I promised to spend my life with
73. Family trips
74. Cameras
75. Auto-focus
76. AA batteries
77. A job I love
78. Mountains
79. Return clients
80. New clients
81. Job offers
82. Memorable moments
83. Moments that catch your breath and make your heart beat fast
84. Kitty litter
85. Litter scoop (hehe)
86. Good health
87. Low humidity
88. Kisses from my Kiddo
89. Cuddles from my Kiddo
90. Deep conversations about life, games, faith, and rocks (with the Kiddo, of course)
91. Pizza
92. Sunrise
93. Waking up every morning
94. Chocolate chips cookies
95. Pancakes
96. Shoes
97. Dish soap
98. Hot water
99. Church
100. Internet
101. YOU!  For taking the time to read this ...  :)

God bless you!

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Flashback Friday: Revisiting the Beginning

January of this year, I started this blog.  I can hardly believe eight months have passed.  I can hardly believe I am inching my way closer to 4,000 views, I have a following of readers (much more than I thought I did), and I am gaining more momentum and readership with every post.

To see my first post, visit "Starting Anew."

I invite you to compare that first post with some of the posts along the way.  I also invite you to critique my blog.  Seriously.  Here is your chance to tell me what you hate about my blog, what you like/love about my blog, and what you think would be beneficial to the blog if it were changed.

Hate the color scheme?  Tell me!

Love the use of the fonts?  Tell me!

Don't really relate to the content, but you read it anyway just because I am your friend?  Eh... Okay... Keep that one to yourself!  LOL

I have put myself out there just like this with some of the blogger groups I have joined as well.  I have gotten some really incredible feedback from some, and crickets chirping from others (somehow not certain that is a good thing.)

My goal is to gain readership.  I want to know if what I write about interests anybody, encourages anybody, and helps anybody.  However, if my blog is not appealing- I certainly need to know.  

And who can tell me best?   YOU!  If YOU are reading this- then YOU can best critique my blog!
I hope you will.  I hope you will be honest.  (Promise I have a thick skin.  I can only learn from your critiques)
***Keep in mind- I will weigh every like or dislike very carefully.  You might see some changes over the next several weeks as a result of your critiques.  Others you might not.  Some changes will depend on the ability I have to manipulate the template, which I am still learning to do.
Thank you so much for reading my blog.  I do hope you will come back!  :)

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

When the Spirit Speaks...

I was going to write about "Customs and Courtesies" today- specifically proper procedures when outside during the playing of Reveille and Retreat.  However, this morning, as I was driving out to our new hometown to register the Kiddo for school, I was listening to K-Love...  And was overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit.

The first song, that I was able to sing all the way through without choking up, was "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman.   The song speaks to me of all the blessings He has granted to me.  So many more than I deserve.

The next song was "Hurricane" by Natalie Grant.  Previously, the song has not meant much to me.  I listened.  I hummed along.   But, this morning, the song hit home... and the Holy Spirit spoke to me reminding me that we are on the precipice, and He is there to catch us and lift us, even in the midst of the hurricane swirling around us right now.

Then came on Plumb's "Need You Now."  I love Plumb.  Plumb has been one of my favorite CCM artists for many, many years.  This song is no different.  Yet this morning as I tried to sing along, I could not.  Suddenly overcome with feelings and emotions that had no trigger- proof of the Holy Spirit getting my attention, all I could do was listen- listen to the musical reminder to just call out to Him.

Finally, the song that threw me over the edge, almost forcing me to pull over because I was so overcome with conviction, direction, hope, and promise was "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns.  Also one of my favorite songs.  A song I recommend to many of my friends and family as they are walking through their own struggles, the Lord used it on me- to minister to me. To remind me of His Presence even when I could swear He has stepped back.

This morning, the Holy Spirit spoke.  I have not experienced His presence so strong in a very long time.  The incredible awe and wonder ...  the complete immersion in the Presence of God... even there on an Interstate surrounded by other travelers eager to get to their destinations... even there with no Bible handy...  Even there...  There He met ME and held me close.  Today, He reminded me of His promise that He is with me no matter what.

Praise God!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When Our Dog Adopted Us...

A couple years ago, we were looking for a dog.  Every little boy needs a dog, we thought.  We searched high and low.  Kiddo wanted a Beagle because at the time his favorite movie was Underdog.  Hubby and I thought a Beagle would be great!  They are spunky, active, loyal...   So the search began.  The search ended with us bringing home a beautiful, female Beagle that we named Sasha. 
She was spunky.  She was active.  And there the expectations ended.  She was certainly no Underdog.  She was so destructive.  She did not like our Kiddo.  She refused to be trained.  As a result of her personality, Kiddo was afraid of her (she was in the nasty habit of nipping his ankles and humping him in a show of dominance.)  Hubby and I tried everything.  However, when we returned home to find she had chewed her way though all our watering hoses, several bags of soil, and other items in addition to her chew toys, Hubby had the last straw with her destructiveness.  So we found her a new home with a family who lived on several acres of land, had chickens she could chase, and had other dogs and multiple children she could terrorize.  (Her new owner later contacted me to tell me that it appeared the other dogs mellowed her out, and that she had found a great fit within their family!  I was HUGELY relieved.)

After our not so great experience with Sasha, we decided we needed to wait to find another dog.  I still went online to check out  I drooled over rescue dogs- huskies, shepherds, collies, border collies, rotties, and other dogs.  I wanted my son to have a dog.  Visions of Arliss and Travis playing and loving on Old Yeller continually flashed through my mind.  Every boy needs a dog, I kept thinking.  Still, after several months, we simply did not find one that we thought might fit into our family, especially now that our son was scared of dogs because of the bad experiences with Sasha.

Right around the Holidays, we went to visit my in-laws who live about four and half hours away from us.  While we were there, this strange dog kept showing up.  Not knowing the dog, I made sure my nieces and my Kiddo were cautious around it.  However, the dog kept showing up and kept wanting to play and be loved on.  He was gorgeous!  Long, blonde colored fur. Beautiful, trusting, brown eyes.  An old soul.  We fell in love with him.  Within the short time we were visiting, the dog stole our hearts. 

Knowing he must belong to someone, DH and I took the dog to the local vet.  Sure enough, he was microchipped...both with an AKC chip AND a Humane Society chip.  From what we gathered, he was rescued at some point from a puppy mill, was fixed, and was adopted out.  However, the owners never put their information on either chip.  So...  We had to call the Humane Society with the chip number.   They found the owners- the lady did not want the dog, but her estranged hubby did.  The man insisted he would pick up the dog from my in-laws that week.

My family left for home that day.  The ENTIRE way home, we were angry, we were sad, we were completely torn apart.  We KNEW we were leaving family behind.  Still, even when we felt like we had to turn around to go get him, we knew his true owner was on his way.  So... We thought that was it.

The following Friday night, my MIL called to say the man never showed up.  He had her number, given to him by the Humane Society, but he never called, never showed up, nothing.  My in-laws did not want the dog on their property, and were ready to take the dog to the shelter. 

There was no question in our mind... If the man did not care enough about his dog to at least call to work something out for him, then the dog was fair game.  Early that Saturday morning, we called my MIL back and told her we were on our way for the our dog.  We hopped in Hubby's truck, drove up, loved and hugged on our new dog, and brought him home.

Our dog, Biskit, is a Yellow Border Collie.  He is an old soul.  He plays when he wants, but he is much more interested in sitting at our feet, laying his head on our laps, or sneaking doggie treats when he thinks we aren't looking.  He loves our Kiddo, and though it took a while for our Kiddo to realize there was nothing to be afraid of, our Kiddo truly found his Yeller. 

We like to joke about how Biskit claimed us.  The truth is, we adopted each other.  And for me, having been more of a cat person my whole life, I have found that this furry, gentle dog has truly stolen a piece of my heart.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose: Goals For Motherhood

I discovered this inspiration from a fellow blogger (Janelle at Wild Blue Yonder). I have plenty of my own stuff to share, but I fear all those things I wish to share are not necessarily what everyone wants to read. So... I thought I would join Janelle in participating in this blog event (inspired by Becky at From Mrs. to Mama).

This week's topic: Goals for Motherhood

Um... Okay... Where to start. Like most Moms, I imagine my goals are set with the best of intentions. Like many Moms, I have seen myself fall short of my goals. I have realized some goals are impossible to achieve as I am imperfect. I have realized some goals are impractical and need to be changed as my child grows and changes.

My first goal is to be an incredible wife to my child's father. It is important to me that my son see what true love, devotion, commitment, respect, and trust are. These are things he should see and experience at home before he seeks it out in the world. By striving to be an incredible, note- I did not say perfect, wife to my DH, I hope I will also show my son the qualities he should look for someday when he starts looking at young ladies to date and marry. I hope he is able to see past our imperfections and see the love we have for each other as the years go by.

My second goal is to remember that my son is not a number. Just because he is a certain age does not mean I cannot expect more from him, or allow him to act immaturely sometimes. Just because he is going into a certain grade in school does not mean he is not ready for education well beyond that age-classing, or responsibilities typically reserved for much older children. He has already proven he is wise beyond his years, but with the heart and playfulness sometimes of a toddler. I hope to remember to react to his personality as a whole and not based on how old he is.

My third goal is to give my son the tools he needs to learn how to fly. Of course, every Mom wants to see their children succeed. However, I see more and more Moms throw everything they have at their children to force their success- whether its in school projects, sports, beauty pageants, dances, etc. I think that is all great and good, but I think for my son, the best way to allow him to grow and enjoy success is to give him the tools he needs, teach him how to use them, and step back and watch him go. I want him to work for what he wants. I want him to understand that a free-ride is never free- if he isn't paying for it, someone else IS. I don't want him to accept pity, charity, and handouts. I want him to take pride in his work- whatever that work may be. I want him to learn work ethics that build up rather than tear down. I honestly beleive I will get more enjoyment from watching him fly on his own than if I have to carry him the entire way. However, on the flip side, I hope I also give him the ability to handle failure when he fails at something, and the courage to get up and try again.

My fourth goal is to make time with my son a priority. Working from home has proven that I work harder to make less money (at least for now as I am building my own business) in order to be at home with my son. I do not mind, but I tend to find myself caught up in work to the detriment of quality time with the Kiddo. I see this as a problem especially now while school is still out, and I struggle to balance my time so my clients remain satisfied with my time tables, and my son does not feel neglected. For now, I am using my time working from home to teach him, to guide him, and to share my work with him. Doing this has opened doors in his mind to new interests as he explored "imitating Mama."

My final goal, and the most important, is to lead a Godly example for him to follow. DH and I are both Christians, and we both make every attempt to include the Kiddo in discussions about the Bible, about God, about Jesus, and everything our faith means to us. Our hope is not just that our son also becomes a Christian, but that he realizes the miracle of salvation and grace, and that in the deepest and darkest days of his life, he will be able to feel our Lord's embrace.

There a myriad other goals I strive for as a Mother. Too many too list, so many I cannot even remember them all. One thing I know- my goals for motherhood will probably vary from other Moms. The order of importance I place on my goals will differ from those another Mom makes.

That is okay. Being a Mom is not a competition. The minute it becomes one- we are doing something very wrong.

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