
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Waking Up In New Mexico

We left San Angelo with intending to stop for two nights at Palo Duro Canyon State Park before heading up to my in-laws in Colorado.  We were going to have the Kiddo participate in the Junior Ranger Program so he could learn about the park, the canyon, the wildlife, and local history.  Then we were going to catch the musical drama "Texas," which is put on during the summer at the state park.  That is what we were GOING to do...

Monday morning, we woke up early and prepared the camper and vehicles for the trip to Colorado.  We got everything packed in record time.  As I was walking out of the camper to get the car started, DH asked me if we should turn off the propane bottles.  Typically, we keep the propane running because it keeps the refrigerator cool while traveling.  Typically, I HATE the thought of driving with the propane running, but in the past have not made DH turn it off.  This time, my preference to turn it off really nagged at me very, very hard- not so much a gut feeling, but it was definitely so strong I could not avoid it.   So, I insisted he turn it off, reasoning that the day was much cooler than we expected, and was supposed to get cooler the further north we drove.  DH did not argue about the food in the fridge going bad and the money wasted- he simply did as I suggested, and we went about the business of getting on the road.

All was going well.  We left San Angelo behind.  We kept the speed low (60-65mph) because I was pulling the boat with my Sportage (I might add, my little SUV is handling the towing really quite well.  The mileage dropped from 24mpg to 18mpg, but it handles the towing really quite well!), and I did not want to push it.  We got through Big Spring, and found ourselves about a third of the way to Lamesa.  DH called me from the truck asking if we could try 70mph, if my car could handle it.  I did not think it would be a problem so I happily increased my speed.  

Maybe ten minutes later, I looked in my rear-view mirror, saw DH and then I went around a curve.  As I cleared the curve, DH called me again- he thought a tire blew on the camper.  With a deep sigh, I found a place I could turn around and went back.  Sure enough, as I pulled up behind him, one of the tires on the right side blew.  NOT good!

We slowly towed the camper around the curve and into an abandoned gas-station parking lot, where we waited for AAA Texas to send someone to help us.  (Now, I love AAA.  We have used AAA for insurance and road-side assistance for over eight years now and have never had a complaint.  However, the towing service they sent to us refused us service because the tire needed to be removed, taken to a local tire place, then brought back to the camper to be put on.  Apparently, for that towing service that was simply too much to ask.)  Thankfully, after an hour, we found a tire place, Lamesa Tire, that carried the right tire AND had a mobile tire team that came out, took off the tire, took it back to the shop, put on a new tire, and came back to replace it.  All for a $20 service fee!  (Not including new tire, mount, etc)  At that point, at the suggestion of my father-in-law, we decided to replace the other three tires as well. 

During the four hours we spent in Lamesa, Texas, we realized that we had some guardian angels surrounding us.  You see, when the tire blew, it ripped off the tire cover, it tore a rip right up into the siding two panels up, and it ripped right through the propane line.  Yeah, the propane that we typically keep running.  Of course, we cannot know that ripping through the line would have done anything more than allow propane to leak out like crazy.  Regardless, there would have been the potential for something explosive and maybe life-threatening had it been running.  As we realized this over lunch while we waited for the other tires to be replaced, we lifted up our very grateful prayers.

Needless to say, after that adventure, we were too tired to go much further than Lubbock.  There we stayed at a really nice RV Park(Lubbock RV Park), and left bright and early to commence our journey.   We drove past Canyon, where we would have turned off for Palo Duro Canyon.   We drove through Amarillo.  We slowly mosied our way up Highway 87 and ended up here in Raton, New Mexico.  

Here, we are surrounded by beautiful mountains.  The air is brisk and fresh scented.  We were able to open all the windows right when we arrived, and this morning woke up to a refreshing 58 degrees, the sun shining, and the realization that we are no longer in Texas.

Today, we will be leaving New Mexico as well.  We will make our way into Colorado, spend some time with family, and then proceed to our new home.  Today, we look back on our journey so far, with the unexpected milestones, the changes in plans, and the obvious leading and protection from our loving God. 

((I want to expend a special thank you to my very dear friends and family in San Angelo, Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Texas, and elsewhere that have sent me words of encouragement and lifted my family up in prayer as we make this journey.  You are counted among my guardian angels!  I love you guys!)


  1. I am SO very thankful that you listened to that prompting from the Holy Spirit. Those little nudges (which sometimes aren't so little) can truly make the difference between life and death at times.

    1. Hi Susie! Thank God, right?!?!? I am so glad DH and I both listened to the urging of the HS. That blow out could have been so much worse. Once again, proof positive that He is taking care of us!

  2. Adventures in moving! So thankful you got the tire thing taken care of. We have stayed at the KOAs both in Lubbock and Raton. The KOA in Raton is run by a Christian home school family! Hope the rest of your journey is uneventful.

    1. Lois! I know... talk about an adventure. This PCS is turning into an adventure we have not yet had in our time with the Military. Big and small challenges meet us at every turn. We did stay at the KOA in Raton, but only overnight, so we did not get the opportunity to really chat with the owners. Was a really great place though! :)


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